Bulk API

If you have a large number of places you want to match, you can send batches.

🚧 Batch size can be no more than 100 at once. We also require that all queries in a batch have the same iso_country_code

With multiple queries, you can also specify an ID with each query that echoes back, if you'd like.

curl --location 'https://api.placekey.io/v1/placekeys' \
--header 'apikey: {{apikey}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "queries": [
            "street_address": "1543 Mission Street, Floor 3",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "region": "CA",
            "postal_code": "94105",
            "iso_country_code": "US"
            "query_id": "thisqueryidaloneiscustom",
            "location_name": "Twin Peaks Petroleum",
            "street_address": "598 Portola Dr",
            "city": "San Francisco",
            "region": "CA",
            "postal_code": "94131",
            "iso_country_code": "US"
            "latitude": 37.7371,
            "longitude": -122.44283

Example Response

    "query_id": "0",
    "placekey": "226@5vg-7gq-5mk"
    "query_id": "thisqueryidaloneiscustom",
    "placekey": "227-223@5vg-82n-pgk"
    "query_id": "2",
    "placekey": "@5vg-82n-kzz"

Last updated